Impact by Regions, Countries & Territories

UNDP’s Global Programme supports crisis-affected contexts across all regions to strengthen the rule of law and human rights. In this section, we present five regional overviews, detailing our priorities and approach depending on the context, as well as feature select country and territory results from 2021.

Five contexts from the list (Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Mali and Yemen) illustrate the achievements of the Global Focal Point for the Rule of Law (GFP). In peacekeeping missions and transition settings, UNDP’s Global Programme works through the GFP to deliver integrated assistance with our UN partners.

GFP Global Focal Point Highlights


In Maldives, UNDP supported the development of the five-year Action Plan of the National Human Rights Commission (HRCM) in accordance with its Strategic Plan. A mapping exercise to define the HRCM’s priorities and consultations with civil society organizations (CSOs) and minority groups accompanied the development process. The consultations with CSOs, especially the ones representing vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities, proved critical in understanding accessibility gaps, which translated into action points under the strategic objectives in the draft Action Plan. By supporting the development of this plan, UNDP was able to initiate a wider conversation on the role of civil society in monitoring the human rights situation and advocate for changes, including on gender mainstreaming and the inclusion of young people in human rights promotion activities.

Based on the findings of the survey that UNDP and the HRCM conducted in 2020, UNDP worked with the Commission to strengthen its cooperation with civil society. A total of 124 CSOs from 16 regional atolls underwent training conducted by the HRCM advocacy officers on human rights, the capabilities of CSOs in protecting human rights, and their role as human rights defenders.

In collaboration with the Business and Human Rights (BHR) Asia team at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, UNDP delivered two intensive trainings for the 34 HRCM staff members on business and human rights and on the human rights-based approach to programming. As a result of UNDP-led advocacy campaign, the Attorney General’s Office in Maldives (the leading body on human rights in the government) made a commitment to start integrating the BHR in the policy space of Maldives and to initiate discussions and activities to elaborate policy framework, support research and institutional setup. Efforts are underway to start the first dialogue on BHR in the country, between state bodies and businesses.

Civil society group presentation
Group presentation at the civil society forum to consult on the National Human Rights Action Plan.Photo: UNDP

Key Results: Maldives

124 CSOs from 16 regional atolls of the country received training on the role of CSOs in human rights promotion and protection.

11 CSOs, including those representing minorities and vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities, participated in UNDP-supported consultations with National Human Rights Commission to develop its five-year Action Plan. The Action Plan covers three focus areas, has 17 goals, 35 strategic objectives, 80 outcome/result areas and their indicative activities.

34 HRCM staff members participated in the trainings on the human rights-based approach and Business and Human Rights delivered by UNDP’s Business and Human Rights Asia team.